Surrounding this compelling father-son drama are humorous montages, satirical sports-world sketches and acerbic observations to keep the film roaming eagerly, and excitingly, all over the map (Maslin).
I still have a nine-page memorandum of thirty-seven paragraphs, dated June 18, 1966, containing some very acute, and occasionally acerbic, observations: 1.
But Mr. Rothbard probably caused bigger stirs with his free-flowing, often acerbic observations.
It is no wonder that Ms. Brown, 48, sees her new weekly column - a nervy compilation of acerbic observation and freewheeling cultural and anthropological commentary (as well as the short-term answer to the question: "What will Tina do next?")
This acerbic observation on the mortality rate among ghetto youth might just as well be a projection of the life expectancy of the black sitcom.
The book includes the acerbic observation that "there were two kinds of actuaries - those who were still doing actuarial work and those who had found something better to do."
On page after page, acerbic observations vie for attention with apodictic verdicts.
The second of Todd's TR-I projects, following 1993's No World Order, the album saw Todd play all instruments during the recording sessions, whilst the songs featured his usual acerbic observations, wit and songwriting flair.
The album contained bleak and acerbic observations of Australian life.
Mr. Bush offered his own acerbic observations about the ideas of some of his foes in an open effort to answer criticism that he lacks the toughness necessary in a President.