I certainly didn't envy the acerbic comments the students received.
Someone made an acerbic comment about a fellow student who was considered one of the biggest nerds on campus.
The columns are rich, rewarding, often funny, sometimes acerbic comments on the sporting scene.
Her full, red lips were gray and slack, slightly parted; no acerbic comment would come from them any time soon.
He stood at her horse's bridle and offered short, acerbic comments on those who gathered to leave.
For once, Odo had no acerbic comment to make.
The queen in me, would have been poor, dear, dead Maria's acerbic comment.
He expected that some genius at the American network was bound to try to water down the show, and especially his honestly acerbic comments.
She'd have put an end to the discussion with a few acerbic comments.
As a fraud, Opal would have offered another acerbic comment on the media.