When the ace of clubs is cashed, West is squeezed in the major suits.
She succeeded when West chose to duck, for the ace was cashed with a third round to follow.
The king and ace of hearts were cashed, and the diamond jack was led.
The diamond jack and ace were cashed, West discarding his other hearts.
After the queen wins in dummy, the ace and king of diamonds are cashed.
The ace and king of clubs were cashed; and if both defenders had followed, the rest would have been simple.
So the king and ace of clubs were cashed to make the slam.
After the diamond opening lead was won in the closed hand, the king and ace of spades were cashed.
The spade king and ace were cashed in that order, revealing the bad split.
A spade to the queen won, the third successful finesse, and the ace was cashed.