He also accused the other side of starting the fight.
The results of this election were in dispute, with both sides claiming victory and accusing the other side of voter fraud.
Georgia accused the Abkhazian side to have carried out the attack with Russian support.
Then we accuse the other side of cheating.
Espionage adage: When penetration fails, accuse the other side of trying to penetrate.
"She is accusing the other side of making political claims, not legal claims."
Both sides of the debate accuse the other side of deception and misleading the public.
"If you can accuse the other side of being opposed to motherhood and the flag, by God you'll do it."
You do what conservatives have mastered so well in these recent years and accuse the other side of doing exactly what you're doing.
That is the only way we can really avoid having situations where one side accuses the other side of not playing by the rules.