He accused the Republican leadership of being "tone deaf" to the concerns of average Americans on issues from health care to education to the environment.
County Democrats, meanwhile, accused the Republican leadership of having no proposals of its own for redistricting.
They accused the leadership of packing the conference with supporters to insure a favorable vote on the federalist platform.
Seymour, who later accused "the leadership" of "rigged debates and gerrymandered votes",.
She also accused the leadership of deviating from Fadai's revolutionary traditions and inclination to compromise with the government.
He again accused the Palestinian leadership of refusing to act against terrorism during three and a half years of fighting.
Some critics accused the leadership of undemocratic procedures, and withdrew from the party voluntarily.
Many delegates took the floor to accuse the leadership of bungling.
This is a view shared by many southern resistance fighters, who in private accuse the northern leadership of acting like conquerors.
A minority accused the leadership of being ambiguous towards the armed struggle against the regime.