The dealers filed lawsuits accusing The Times of antitrust violations and breach of an implied contract.
As your question implies, people with deeply entrenched political biases are generally the ones accusing The Times of being biased.
They accused The Times of portraying anyone against the immigration bill as "riff-raff like this guy below."
Justice Wilk did not rule on that part of the complaint that accuses the Times and its employees of libel.
So he accused The Times of misinterpreting his remarks.
But then she saw Bill O'Reilly accusing The Times of a political decision.
You cannot accuse The Times of throwing a wet blanket on good economic news.
During his stay in politics, Debono enjoyed a troubled relationship with the press, accusing The Times of taking part in a "character assassination" aimed at him.
Meanwhile, conservative critics accused The Times of using its news pages to build opposition to a war in Iraq.
Mr. Farrell accused The Times of misrepresenting what the documents said, but he offered no specifics.