When his hotel caught fire four years ago, he accused local politicians of arson.
According to the Nairobi Star, some have also accused politicians of interfering with the relief effort to get votes ahead of next year's polls.
In his published statements, he accused politicians of keeping people in prison who were no threat to the public.
But firearms enthusiasts, who shoot for pleasure, have accused politicians of targeting the wrong people.
He accuses mainstream German politicians of encouraging the extreme right by criticizing immigration from the third world.
He accused "unscrupulous politicians" of promoting racially divided visions for Fiji.
Of course, people who don't know much about politics are always accusing politicians of being rapacious.
He called for a referendum on the death penalty, accusing politicians of paying lip service to law and order.
He has often accused politicians and the authorities of stealing his votes and giving them to the main candidates.
At nearby kiosks, newspapers carried bold headlines accusing politicians of various abuses.