Some of the defendants shouted angrily that they would not appeal the sentence and accused their lawyers of being tools of the government.
She accused Mr. Simpson and his lawyers of making a pernicious pitch to jurors, one that would inevitably reach them through pillow talk during this weekend's conjugal visits.
Ms. Resnick has accused Mr. Simpson and his lawyers of mounting a smear campaign against her.
Others accused Mr. Papon's lawyers of trying to use the news media to win sympathy for their client.
In accusing Mr. Nixon's lawyers of legal obstructionism, Mr. Carter ignores the issue in litigation.
They accused Mr. Boesky's lawyers of failing to disclose the illegal activities to which Mr. Boesky would later admit.
Government officials have accused the relatives' lawyers of stalling in the face of lawful directives granting custody to Elian's father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez.
Mrs. Petrauskas also accused plaintiffs' lawyers of distributing documents out of context to journalists with little familiarity with the engineering process through which automobiles are designed.
And he accused the judge, Nora Freeman, the city's lawyers and social workers of buying into what he described as a flawed liberal philosophy that emphasizes keeping troubled families together.
The banking industry has accused DataTreasury's lawyers of patent trolling and DataTreasury themselves of abusing the patent system by buying the patents they are enforcing.