He reported having personally bribed police, and accused officers of raping his girlfriend.
Police critics say the rule adds to a public perception that accused officers get special treatment.
Since then, he has accused several officers of dealing drugs, making wrongful arrests, planting evidence, and abusing suspects.
Critics in the crowd accused officers, including some supervisors, of beating people randomly with their batons and fists.
While the neighborhood has seen police brutality cases, none of the residents interviewed this week accused officers of misconduct.
Maye's family and his attorney also accused officers of beating him while he was in custody after his arrest.
He called the training inadequate and accused fellow officers of not understanding guerrilla warfare.
You're accusing respected, high-ranking officers of murder and conspiracy, Burke.
The tardy resentfully accused officers of stashing a few bills themselves.
Officer Todd said he planned to quit the force and go to law school, so he could defend unjustly accused officers.