Other politicians accused journalists of slander and criticized magistrates who leak legal documents to the press, which is not uncommon in France.
They accused foreign journalists of being "Israeli agents".
But it is accusing journalists who make contact with the group now of "advising" them, which is punishable under Peruvian law.
And he bitterly accused journalists of playing into Palestinian hands by helping make Israel look like the "heavy" in the region.
He even accused journalists of "grave disinformation" in confusing his views with those of Michel.
Anselmo has accused journalists of twisting the facts, publishing what they think sells best.
After the massacre, several government officials blamed the media coverage for the tragic outcome, accusing journalists of an unprofessional treatment of the news.
Then he thunderously accused journalists of both countries of promoting discord.
Rush Limbaugh has accused liberal journalists of overreacting to the prison scandal.
OLAF is accusing journalists of having paid money in order to be able to publish secret fraud information, but cannot substantiate these accusations.