An accusation of being a tourist, therefore, struck at the very core of his most deeply hidden and most powerful insecurity.
But locally, his accusations have already struck responsive chords.
In Russia's lower house of Parliament today, rival deputies resorted to blows after accusations that some lawmakers were using the air strikes to draw attention to themselves before upcoming elections.
As much as she hated it, the accusation struck a chord.
Nonetheless, his accusations struck a nerve among Sephardim, and distressed Israelis of all backgrounds who thought that they had managed in the last decade to put ethnic politics behind them.
The girl looked embarrassed; Philip's accusation had struck home.
After all his work of trying to erase the charges against his grandfather Xavier, this accusation struck him to the core.
Her accusation struck him so hard, he winced.
Pol's eyes grew stricken as my accusation struck her full in the face.