When the accusations arose, Mr. Nifong was in a close political campaign.
Eden was annoyed that the accusations against Knight arose during a trial in which he played no part.
Similarly, Christopher Ricks asks, "could there ever be any challenging art about men and women where the accusation just didn't arise?"
Encourage the development of software to detect plagiarism when accusations arise.
Just as the second volume was completed accusations arose, regarding seditious content, concerning the editor's entries on religion and natural law.
When the Tigers were again lethargic in mid-1969, accusations of under-achievement arose.
During the tour, accusations of lip synching arose.
The accusations arose from interviews the newspaper conducted with grand jury witnesses who have worked for the Democratic Congressman.
Towards the end of the year, accusations of influence peddling arose against Orfila.
Many accusations of harassment and sexual misconduct arose.