Corena possessed a big, handsome, resonant voice that lacked sufficient flexibility to deliver accurately the complexities of Rossini's florid writing.
If the fiducials are too far from the location of the tumor, or are not sufficiently spread out from each other it will not be possible to accurately deliver the radiation.
Service at Bedlam Street was right on the mark one night with dishes delivered accurately and with dispatch.
The purpose of the two-handed pass is to accurately deliver the ball to another player who is in motion.
This is closely related to the more controlled air-entrainment masks, also known as Venturi masks, which can accurately deliver a predetermined oxygen concentration to the trachea up to 40%.
In the early days of World War II bombers were expected to strike by daylight and deliver accurately in order to avoid civilian casualties.
The growing number of rural residences had made it too cumbersome for Canada Post to accurately deliver the mail using the existing rural route system.
High flows of an air/oxygen blend can be administered via a nasal cannula to accurately deliver high volume of oxygen therapy.
It is doubtful that a TD-2 could be used to accurately deliver a weapons payload in the near future as the accuracy of the claims of its power cannot be verified.
Teams must develop a platform to accurately pinpoint the simulated target and accurately deliver an emergency package via an airdrop.