Little challenged that accurate profile of Martínez, and will pay the price, perhaps in unemployment, certainly in historical repute.
If we take that same input and run it though our more sophisticated mathematical approach, we'll get a more accurate profile of the cornea.
The skin was composed of fibreglass laminates laid up in moulds to attain accurate profiles.
I did a quick read-through of the reports last night, but it takes more than a couple of hours to build a solid, accurate profile.
There is no accurate profile of the school shooter, but there are several useful categories.
Both Bernard and Laura developed an accurate profile of their London customers.
There is no accurate or useful profile of students who engaged in targeted school violence.
This methodology is meant to provide comprehensive and accurate psychosocial, socio-dynamic and communication profiles of target groups.
These exaggerations are offered to define the limits rather than to present accurate profiles, but they do highlight an educational dilemma.
The chimney was rebuilt in January 2001 to a more accurate profile.