When an accurate likeness was needed, many artists were simply able to adjust this mental framework to suit their subject.
But these are Chalkin's and if they're anything like him, you'll have the devil's own time getting them to behave long enough to get an accurate likeness.
But there was no accurate likeness of the Beatus in existence, so far as Francis knew.
This was Franklin's favorite print during the time, partially because of the accurate likeness.
Yet even his earliest monochrome works, which were often dismissed as slick photorealism, are really not about depicting an accurate likeness.
In 1935, a new series was introduced which featured accurate likenesses of specific vehicles.
Only, I sincerely doubt that an 'accurate' likeness is what is required.
Once he feels he has captured an accurate likeness, the final sculpture is cast in bronze.
He says "we enjoy looking at accurate likenesses of things which are themselves painful to see, obscene beasts, for instance, and corpses."
Not only are the likenesses incredibly accurate, but the figures themselves, most larger than a football field, were each drawn using one continuous, unbroken line.