Under routine work conditions, where the surface is a mixture of contamination and expected material, the accuracy ranges from 80-90% of the value reported in atomic percent values.
The accuracy of a measurement ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mm and depends on the experience of the observer.
It should be noted that the accuracy of the population figures ranges from "approximate" to "merely conjectural" depending on the region from which they were gathered.
Finally, "A" represents accuracy (e.g., stereotypes and human categories can range from accurate to inaccurate).
Another Ranger class feature is Prime Shot, which improves the accuracy of ranged attacks when no other ally is closer to the target.
Industry officials say the accuracy of machines like those used in several pivotal Florida counties commonly ranges from 99 to 99.9 percent.
The accuracy of the population figures ranges from "approximate" to "merely conjectural" depending on the region from which they were gathered.
The accuracy of the devices ranged from within 1 percent to about 20 percent; accuracy falls at the edges of the range of body sizes.