During his two season, he accumulated relatively poor statistics in very little playing time.
But even when he was not accumulating statistics, he was making his return felt.
Also he accumulated extensive statistics of luminosities of galaxies and other parameters, and with notable resourcefulness he estimated their masses.
Airlines with 1 percent or more of the national market would be required to accumulate such statistics, and they say it would put them at an unfair disadvantage.
Devlin saw action in games against Florida International, Wisconsin, and Temple, but accumulated few statistics.
That is, they want to just accumulate statistics, not specifics about individual email.
Thirteen players have accumulated statistics in games for the Irish.
He accumulated statistics in eleven of the thirteen games played and started twice.
So that we may accumulate statistics as to the cost of milk and honey in Jerusalem the Golden!
Because first we have to accumulate statistics, get a base line.