The rest of the orchestra is introduced over the subsequent repetitions of the ground bass, accumulating layers of harmony.
The sculptures are created by accumulating thick layers of oil paint on plaster and wire or fibreglass structures with large brushstrokes.
Gradually, this humility begins to accumulate layers of impatience with himself and his "muckheap of a mind."
But over the years, rather than being revamped or replaced, the Mac operating system has simply accumulated layers of barnacles and baling wire.
I might be wrong, but I felt a rock can accumulate layers, the atmosphere, or surroundings, tack on.
The music accumulates layers as it goes along.
Radiators and radiator fins should never be allowed to accumulate layers of dust or lint.
Small hailstones were caught in the violent updrafts and lifted into freezing air where they accumulated layers of ice.
Your previous albums always had the tendency to accumulate layers of sounds/music and on Biophilia there is a lot of space.
She has accumulated layers of scar tissue.