You have to stay at a participating hotel for at least three nights in order to start accumulating credits; conditions are described on apply.
Many school districts make teachers accumulate graduate credits, and some offer higher salaries as an incentive.
After 1933, Sloane rapidly began to accumulate credits in British films.
Many students, the report's authors said, also failed to accumulate enough credits to make graduation likely and dropped out in defeat.
Alternatively, it's possible to accumulate credits from each of the class options you choose.
Brad Turner accumulated the most credits with eight episodes, including the season finale.
Mitchell began working with his father at a young age, accumulating rare credits and abilities.
During the terms each boy can accumulate credits or demerits which are publicly displayed.
"At that rate, there is no way that the average student would accumulate enough credits to graduate from high school."
Students must be making satisfactory progress in accumulating credits for high school graduation.