At the beginning of his tenure, the school was not officially recognized as a university by any accreditation organization.
Herguan University is not accredited by any recognized accreditation organization.
Some of the school's technical programs are accredited by their accreditation organizations.
American universities developed independent accreditation organizations to vouch for the quality of the degrees they offer.
The school would need approval from a regional accreditation organization and from federal and state education departments.
These accreditation organizations require members to receive periodic audits.
These audits will come every one to three years, depending on the accreditation organization and the circumstances of the surgery center.
It first sought accreditation with a regional accreditation organization in 1988.
Many of the school's individual technical programs are also accredited by their respective accreditation organizations.
Some United States educational authorities identify it as an unrecognized accreditation organization or accreditation mill.