This decline alone accounts for about 25% of the overall decline in childhood deaths since 1990.
Some experts estimate that civilians account for 90 percent of war deaths since 1945.
"It only takes 10 to 20 calories more per day per person to account for the increase in obesity since the 1970's," he said.
The industry, which accounted for much of Houston's growth since 1986, has made little money in the last half of the year.
Nigeria is emerging from a period of military rule that accounted for almost 28 of the 47 years since independence in 1960.
But he found that they accounted for only 25 percent of the warming since 1900.
Lower tax rates and tax rebates were among the factors that accounted for the increase, the largest since December.
Some changes are introduced to account for advances in technology since the original film and to make the content more explicit.
Such a nostalgized gender order could not be restored, however, without discursive modifications to account for the significant changes in society since 1914.
The five countries account for fully 40 percent of foreign purchases since 1994.