She ended by giving an account of her rude behavior towards Lisa about the coffee mishap.
The dissenters also took their case to the press, which published salacious accounts of the Bishop's alleged behavior.
Dr. Heacock also offered an account of Malcolm's behavior while in detention.
To make their case, they regaled me with detailed accounts of their pets' woeful behavior.
At the same time, the accounts of his behavior have raised questions about whether the criminal justice system did an adequate job of monitoring him.
"I've gotten letters from parents who lament the image projected by certain accounts of certain people's behavior," Giamatti said.
Mr. Wyman's account of his own behavior is remarkably matter-of-fact, under the circumstances.
But he could not deny the accuracy of the article and the accounts of his behavior.
Orang Pendek has yet to be fully documented and no authoritative account of its behavior or physical characteristics exists.
The New York Times says he won't try to indict them but might publish a damning account of their behavior.