Remember, you will not get any extra time to file if the accounts are rejected.
This account is largely rejected by modern scholars.
What if my accounts are rejected?
An historical (diachronic) account of the form of language is rejected by Saussure because it implies a less than arbitrary relationship between signifier and signified.
This account however has been overwhelmingly rejected as involving a confusion of the ideas connected by the Greeks with the goddess Nemesis.
If we can't tell that the company is a charity, the accounts may be rejected for containing the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.
If Locke's account is rejected then we are back with the admission that our visual experience does not seem to accord with the impression theory.
But Truman's account of the Summersby controversy has been widely rejected by most (but not all) scholars.
The wholly language centered account of belief (e.g. Davidson) is rejected.
But private accounts were rejected because they are bad policy and bad politics.