Meter collections, which account for about $70 million a year in revenue, have long been a tempting target.
Those deals alone accounted for $133.8 million in revenue for the bank.
It accounts for $427 million of the company's $3 billion in annual revenue.
At that time, the stations accounted for $500 million in annual revenue and had been experiencing strong growth.
These stores accounted for about $90 million in annual revenue, the company said.
At that time, television and film production accounted for only $400,000 in annual revenue for the city.
Television and Internet services accounted for the largest increase in revenue, as the number of subscribers grew rapidly.
Management consulting last year accounted for about 19 percent of Andersen's $8.4 billion in revenue.
Independent agents account for a total of $45 billion in revenue in the personal insurance industry.
They accounted for about $32 million, less than 2 percent of the hospital's $1.6 billion in revenue for 2000.