By saying that the account explains considered judgements we mean the following.
Why don't the House members who overdrew their accounts just explain all this?
Mr. Cubilette's account could explain the evidence of a 40-caliber weapon that was retrieved at the scene.
However, this account does not explain the shift in behavior that occurs around 12 months.
Nor did accounts explain how Nagy went from patriot to traitor.
Later accounts of Burr's life explain that he hid his homosexuality to protect his career.
His account, written in 1872, explains the nature of the album, as though he did not expect readers to be familiar with it:
Different accounts explain their standing in the Indian caste system.
The account also does not explain perhaps the most important factor leading to the police shooting - a gun in Ms. Miller's lap.
However, contemporary accounts explain that burning flakes from wooden roof shingles spread the fire.