This is a simple view, commonly held, and may well accord with long-term experience.
All such assaults were repulsed easily, but the psychology of those attacks did not accord well with initial estimates of the psychological situation on Caern.
An illusion, of course, but an illusion that accorded well with a legend, for a legend the Ulysses had become in her own brief lifetime.
This particular form of drama seemed to me a shade too vulgar and too crude to accord well with her fastidious personality.
The prolific and destructive richness of tropical nature and the dreariness of human life within it accorded well with the pessimistic mood of his early works.
That did not accord well with the baker's description of a grain storage area.
Charlotte Skouras had a deep slow slightly-foreign accented voice, and, just then, a tired strained smile that accorded well with the darkness under the brown eyes.
Indeed, his observations accord well with my own estimate of what's hap-pened," Nahrmahn said.
In the case of the back unrounded vowels, the description of their place of articulation does not accord well with the words given as examples.
This may accord well with something we have heard.