He and several negotiators met with North Korean delegates, most recently in Berlin, and devised the accord announced this week.
As a political matter, the budget-balancing accord announced today was a substantial accomplishment for a Democratic President and a Republican-led Congress.
The accord announced today has no effect on the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The accord announced Sunday with great fanfare by Yugoslavia's leaders may have brought this patchwork country back from the brink of open warfare, at least for the next few months.
But the appellate court urged Kajima to reach the accord announced today.
If Mr. Bush had hoped to alleviate some of these tensions, the hodge-podge accord announced today did not seem to do the trick.
But the accord announced in New Delhi would place 14 of India's 22 nuclear reactors under civilian inspection regimes by 2014.
The accord announced last week will restore some balance.
The accord announced tonight, if enacted and carried out, would amount to a bold attempt to revive lending by cash-strapped banks and thus bolster a recovery.
That resulted in the accord announced early Tuesday morning giving Palestinians control over a Gaza crossing, with monitors from the European Union.