More than that, it's a most accomplished film (if you can accommodate those final, seemingly endless 10 minutes or so, which I can).
As it is, this is a fascinating and accomplished film.
A semi-permanent lack of financial resources prevented him from making technically accomplished films.
Because neither one evokes the easy laughter that suggests commercial prospects, they are the sort of accomplished films that need the festival most.
A trim, accomplished film with a taste for the unexpected.
The question is legitimate, but perhaps what matters most is that it never surfaces while the audience is watching this smart, accomplished film.
Payback came with "Together," which is a more ambitious and accomplished film.
His daughter Gerda Stevenson is an accomplished film and theatre actress.
The magazine went on to tag the film as "the most original, moving and an accomplished American independent film in recent years".
It was directed by accomplished short film - and later feature film - director David Miller.