But it would not be what you could usually expect to accompany a Trader's daughter.
After accompanying his daughter and two grandchildren, he had jumped off the train as it left the station.
Susannah grew distraught when she wasn't permitted to accompany her daughter.
She was to accompany Sir William and his second daughter.
He rose to his feet at once, and accompanied his daughter along the road.
She also has the flexibility to accompany her 17-year-old daughter to cheerleading competitions.
Imagine our surprise when we were advised that it would cost $25 for the bicycle to accompany my daughter.
The young prosecutor started to accompany the judge's daughter through the side gate.
Last week I accompanied my own daughter to her first day of school.
Due to the length of the train, Diana's father found it difficult to fit inside the glass coach to accompany his daughter to the cathedral.