The child always wants to accommodate his parents' secret wishes.
And although it may at first seem unfair, you will in the end gain much pleasure by accommodating your wishes to his.
She seemed willing to accommodate the boy's wishes, so she sent for the sergeant.
"I'm not saying he has to accommodate each player's wishes, but he should respect them," Agassi said.
The Yankees would trade him if they could, and may not be able to accommodate his wishes if they cannot.
When she willed the armour to move a limb, it accommodated her wishes too quickly.
"Our extending this is a way to accommodate his wishes," Smith said about the Aug. 1 offer.
There are many other areas where I think you will find that the Commission has tried to accommodate Parliament's wishes.
I hope that the Council will take our message on board and accommodate our wishes as much as possible.
Sinatra's growing influence in Hollywood was enough to have the ending re-written to accommodate his wishes.