Fish Tank, Andrea Arnold's critically acclaimed study of a mouthy Essex teenager, selected for the Cannes Film Festival, made £600,000.
It was one of the most influential and acclaimed studies in the outpouring of work by scholars in the late 1960's and early 1970's that transformed our understanding of slavery.
He wrote an acclaimed study (his MSc.
In 1999, he published The Spirit of Britain: A Narrative History of the Arts, a widely acclaimed 700-page study of British arts through two millennia.
He also wrote a critically acclaimed study of Beckett's work as a whole, Beckett/Beckett.
Also while at the National Research Council, Wallerstein directed a series of highly acclaimed studies on scientific communication, technology transfer and national security.
He is most known to the public for his acclaimed study The Russians In Germany.
His most acclaimed study, which was reported in numerous medical journals in 1987, disclosed that a third of all carotid endarterectomies performed on Medicare patients in 1981 were unnecessary.
At the Third Photographic Salon in San Francisco in 1903 Hanscom exhibited five prints, including a highly acclaimed study called Mother and Child.