I accidentally scratched you, did I?
In the process of tearing off Hogan's shirt, André's fingernail accidentally scratched Hogan's skin, causing Hogan to bleed, leading Piper to tell Hogan, "You're bleeding."
Alvarez's father and grandfather are both serving life sentences in Oz, and Alvarez has been incarcerated for assaulting an old man who accidentally scratched his car.
But what happens if you accidentally scratch your appliance?
Gander, initially a family pet named Pal, accidentally scratched a child's face with his paw.
After an altercation with a boorish motorist driving a red Volkswagen, whose car she accidentally scratched riding her bicycle, she rides onto the boat with the man yelling misogynist slurs at her.
He once accidentally scratched his nose, and it took an hour to free his fingers.
I felt sensations like those one feels when accidentally scratching ground glass.
A scratch from one of the poisoned arrows would inflict a death so certain and agonizing that Xhia kept the tips covered in case he accidentally scratched himself.
As someone who accidentally scratches cd's and dvd's - i'm glad my games exist on the steam server.