In addition, some items were accidentally omitted.
Because the middle ing in the name was accidentally omitted, the municipality was recorded as Chilton.
The expected mention of Shealtiel being a father seems accidentally omitted, and thus his children became confused with Pedaiah's.
And that, as I understand it, was omitted accidentally.
If its choreographic credit had been accidentally omitted from the program note, few spectators might have guessed who created it.
These things were routine; they could not have been omitted accidentally.
In the original American print, Morricone's name was accidentally omitted from the opening credits by the producers.
Christopher Tolkien suggests that the name was accidentally omitted.
A theory emerged that scorers accidentally omitted one lap from Jim Clark's official tally.
On June 2, 2005, the Conservatives issued a news release admitting that two short sections had been accidentally omitted.