Finally, he thought the scene in which Olivia accidentally encounters Walternate was a "brilliant plot twist that ties a lot of things together".
During his patrol he accidentally encounters a group of ninjas interrogating Shing.
Years after their release, two of the boys, now professional killers, accidentally encounter a former guard who took part in the assaults.
When Blake accidentally encounters the two men hugging, he pushes Ted away from his son.
Accidentally encounters Yellow as he is bathing in a waterfall, and the encounter leaves her resolve shaken.
Unfortunately, he accidentally encounters two crooked cops just as they murder another officer.
She took it in stride, but others who accidentally encounter noses, lips and cheeks less often find it more unsettling.
But what happens if you accidentally encounter an animal that feels threatened or frightened by you?
Henchard had come up, accidentally encountering the young man, whose face seemed to inquire, "Do we speak to each other?"
There, he accidentally encounters the old scholar he assaulted earlier in the book, who, keen on revenge, beats Alex with the help of his friends.