When Jerry accidentally closes his car trunk door on Mike's thumbs, Mike becomes afraid of him.
One of Khrunov's lines became tangled and he accidentally closed the tumbler of his suit ventilator.
When Saulin finally pulled the handle, the investigators surmise, he must have also accidentally closed the valve.
Pierce (Chevy Chase) accidentally closes the door, triggering the machine to begin its simulation sequence.
Valentine waited one amazed second, then put his slip-on shoe in between the door and the jamb so it wouldn't close accidentally.
At least that's how my PS3 behaves if I accidentally close the door of the entertainment unit.
Some models feature additional "positive" locks, which essentially ensure that the blade cannot close accidentally.
But while trying to blast his way to the gold in 1939, he accidentally closed the hole.
Suddenly, the door accidentally closes, trapping them all in the vault.
He tries to kiss me on the lips but I back away, into the stall door, accidentally closing it.