Double-tapping can accidentally click on links you weren't intending to click, and sometimes it's not your fault.
If I find a single browser cache file of innapropriate content which I know to be from an accidentally clicked link, am I required to report that?
I was literally just about to start college work when i accidentally clicked guardian instead of google.
(e.g., you can use a gesture in this area to scroll a web page without accidentally clicking a link, like I sometimes do on my iPhone).
Once I started reading this "article", I actually paused to look at my address bar to make sure I hadn't accidentally clicked a link taking me directly to
(In case you are wondering, Ms. Hewitt is an actress and her favorite food is pepperoni pizza, facts I learned after I accidentally clicked on that item.)
I just wanted to say that I am a dork and sometimes I accidentally click remove instead of reply so, if you ha...
I wondered what was up when I accidentally clicked on your bookmark and saw the real page again!
I accidentally clicked on a link that sounds like it might have been bad but I guess one of my various security plugins or w/e stopped it.
And by the way, mentally deduct yourself a recommend, because I accidentally clicked on the wrong line.