With her kindness and sweet nature, she accidentally captured Arthur's heart, which eventually cause a rift between the two brothers.
However, the macro inserts these pieces of code into an expansion which defines its own bindings that accidentally captures some of these references.
Years later, while operating out of Adirondack State Park in New York state, they accidentally captured Storm and realized that she was not a criminal.
In 2000 Mr. Junger went with Mr. Anderson to Bosnia, where they accidentally almost captured one of the world's most-wanted war criminals.
Grinning, he complied, but she closed her mouth too quickly, accidentally capturing the tip of Andrew's finger between her lips.
In the My Life as a Teenage Robot episode "Bradventure" Jenny and Brad accidentally captured Sylvester and Snagglepuss.
The following day, Mame accidentally captures the fox, despite not knowing what she was doing.
A letter from the father about Evelyn accidentally captures the essence of what was to become the Wavian style.
Encountered in chapter XXVIII, the Fisherman accidentally captures Pinocchio in his net while fishing.
It involves two amateur beach photographers who accidentally capture a murder on film.