Clearly we are dealing here with a feline phenomenon that is not isolated and accidental, but more a regular, typical feature of cat behaviour.
Sensual Object/Sensual Qualities: Sensual objects are present, but enmeshed within a "mist of accidental features and profiles."
In some older sockets this could be achieved by simply bending the contacts; The cams merely implement this useful accidental feature in an intentional fashion.
Human beings are different from comets, plants and animals not in external or accidental features, but at the level of what Aquinas would call actus essendi (act of being).
A glorified copy of the Leibowitz print could be made without incorporating the accidental feature.
The knowledge that the color scheme of blueprints was an accidental feature of those ancient drawings lent impetus to his plan.
The Symbolists too would strip away the casual and accidental features of reality, revealing the true 'essence of form.'
To what level a stellar wind swells, depends on accidental features of the mechanism.
This is not an accidental feature of Rousseau's educational and political philosophy; it is essential to his account of the distinction between private, personal relations and the public world of political relations.
Snowfire wondered wryly if Urtho had bred them for vanity, or if this trait had been an "accidental" feature of these created creatures.