Joint-winners continued to be declared after World War II, though it is unclear if this was a deliberate or accidental change in policy.
Tux Paint provides multiple levels of undo and redo, allowing accidental or unwanted changes to be removed while editing a picture.
Any change to the data, either deliberate or accidental, will mean the hash code will also change.
Three toxicologists wrote, "The possibility of unexpected, accidental changes in genetically engineered plants justifies a limited traditional toxicological study."
This is usually done in order to prevent unauthorized, unwanted or accidental changes to the domain name.
If it were an accidental change in the laws of nature, we'd most likely just have collapsed into a primordial soup of particles.
This will avoid accidental changes to the system that could disrupt its function.
Or the virus could mutate - acquire accidental changes to its genetic material - in such a way that it becomes able to travel between people.
Owing to that accidental change, the version that passed the House by a mere two votes differed from the Senate measure.
It is to be doubted if there was any accidental change of place.