Despite parasites and acute mountain sickness, heart disease is the leading cause of death for American travelers; heart disease and accidents account for almost three-quarters of such deaths.
State insurance officials have estimated that staged accidents account for tens of millions of dollars in fraudulent claims each year.
Vehicular accidents account for 43% of catastrophic spinal injury in the United States and 45% in Australia.
A separate heading shows that "pedestrian only, casualty or injured" accidents account for more than 18 per cent of collisions, with (sound familiar?)
Automobile and other accidents accounted for the most fatalities, followed by suicide and homicide; alcohol and drugs are believed to have been a factor in a significant percentage of the deaths.
This, of course, reflects their use as training boats, although accidents accounted for several vessels.
Only about 3 percent of accidents involve rollovers, but those accidents account for roughly a third of all vehicle fatalities, or more than 10,000 deaths a year.
Instead he argued that an accident of historical development accounted for the islanders' lack of towns.
Cross-border accidents account for only around 1% of road traffic accidents in Europe, and almost all of them are settled out of court.
Mr Karas has rightly pointed out that cross-border accidents account for a very small percentage of road traffic accidents and that most of them are settled out of court.