This route has the fewest handicapped accessible stations available; they are at the terminals only.
All platforms have level access to the trains, making the station fully accessible (the first one within the Circle Line).
In the middle of the tunnel there is a switch-over and a 450m long non-public station accessible by an adit.
As of June 2011, there are 89 currently accessible stations; many of them have AutoGate access.
The nearest accessible stations are Washington Street and Orange Street.
A growing consideration is the requirement for wheelchair accessible stations.
The nearest accessible station is 175th Street.
In 1991, an elevator was installed to make the station accessible for the disabled, in accordance to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
All these locations, under the proposed law, would have to install baby-changing stations, accessible to mamas and papas.
The streets still visible in aerial photography, some still accessible to drive though the abandoned station.