They want to raise $150 million to move the collection to a more accessible site on the city's downtown museum mile.
There should be a mixed provision and locally accessible sites across the area.
So called "interior camping" is possible further inside the park at sites accessible only by canoe or on foot.
The visual arts are further supported with many sculptures at easily accessible sites.
The pond is one of the watershed's most scenic and accessible sites.
One basis of this model is 'the more accessible the site, the higher its land value'.
Maintaining an accessible site is an ongoing process and we are continually working to offer a user friendly experience.
In 2010, the freely accessible site was redesigned to include advertisements.
It is one of Europe's better known but least accessible monastic sites.
The city's old town dates back to the early 15th century, making it one of the most popular widely accessible sites from that time.