Fishermen say they are angry that the access agreement was signed behind their backs and without consultation.
By April 2001, the organisation had in place an access agreement, which meant formal accreditation could be granted.
At the very least this bolting goes against the spirit of the bolting and access agreements.
Environmentalists have questioned the lack of ability to make public consultation on the application for an access agreement.
It is under a public access agreement with the province, permitting its use for public travel.
It will publish each university's "access agreement" later this week.
Revision of access agreements has sought to reduce headline fees by diminishing financial aid.
We are increasingly being told by officials, be they sports, water or politically based, that local access agreements are the way forward.
It goes without saying that any infringements of these new restrictions will imperil what is already an extremely sensitive access agreement.
She added: "It is unsurprising that universities have responded by seeking to change their access agreements."