He saw to it that House ethics rules were changed so that members could accept free trips and lodging to attend charity events.
Bristling with indignation, the Mayor said there was nothing wrong with accepting free trips and questioned the motives of his critics.
Q. Some travel journalists accept free trips.
Two other retired faculty members were unable to accept trips for health reasons.
After a long, emotional debate during the spring, the Senate passed legislation that would bar lawmakers from accepting meals, entertainment and trips.
"Many mayors in the past, in this city and others, have accepted trips from private entities to promote their cities."
Ms. Robertson twice accepted paid trips to talk with company executives while she was still employed at the Treasury, her financial disclosure shows.
Filner accepted free trips, and paid engagements to speak in favor of delisting them as a terrorist organization.
They also may accept unlimited free trips and gifts.
The 1990 disclosure reports were full of examples of members' accepting trips both to tropical vacation spots and to places where they could learn something.