It asked for advice on how to set up a government in time to accept sovereignty and, after that, how to stage early nationwide elections.
One year before the Uprising another poll indicated that only 6.3 per cent of the population would accept Jordanian sovereignty even on an interim basis.
For his part, John Paul said it would be false to conclude that he was accepting Indonesian sovereignty over the territory.
For instance, in 1621, Hamburg had been forced to accept Danish sovereignty.
He was tasked with getting the local chiefs to accept Belgian sovereignty, and on 19 April 1884 three important agreements were signed.
It will need to accept greater Palestinian sovereignty over such important matters as water rights unless it wants to have a homicidal, desperate neighbor forever.
On his return journey all the petty states accepted Chinese sovereignty.
A totalitarian democracy, says Talmon, accepts "exclusive territorial sovereignty" as its right.
Elizabeth saw this as a Dutch ploy to force her to accept sovereignty over the Netherlands, which so far she had always declined.
One day, the agonising choice is going to return again: accept less sovereignty inside a single-currency bloc, or stay outside.