Both candidates have vowed not to accept speaking fees or honorariums in the future.
Some members refuse to accept honorariums, but others, particularly committee chairmen and influential senior members, are in positions to garner more than the average.
Comments by some members suggest Congress will now feel entitled to continue accepting honorariums because they didn't get the expected pay increase.
New York, unlike Congress and several states, does not bar public officials from accepting honorariums.
A senator can accept honorariums that are equal to up 40 percent of salary.
A chart on Monday listing senators and House members who did not accept honorariums in 1988 was incomplete.
In exchange for an open pay increase, from $89,500 to $125,000 by 1991, the House voted overwhelmingly to ban accepting honorariums starting in 1991.
He would ban all gifts from lobbyists to lawmakers and prohibit legislators from accepting honorariums for speeches.
Generals and admirals are not permitted to accept honorariums when invited to speak.
Speaking Fees Opposed A Presidential commission said lawmakers and other senior Government officials should be barred from accepting honorariums.