"I believe he would gladly cancel the destruct if you accept exile."
Or would it be better to accept exile, preserving the useless hope that he did have a latent talent?
Of course that would mean accepting permanent exile to one world on the far periphery.
Thus, he plans to force Louis to abdicate his claim to the throne, accept exile, and never marry.
Doe had been under pressure to accept exile outside of Liberia.
After accepting exile he moved to California, his brother moved in with him under similar circumstances of exile.
Regardless, he had reason to try his hardest and to accept exile to Phaze only after his best effort here.
Some people decide they'd rather accept exile than listen to the masters.
The Pandavas and Draupadi finally accept 13-year exile for losing the game.
In return for a waiver of trial he accepted exile for life.