Her damaged main driveshad apparently lost much of their maneuvering and acceleration capability, leaving Repulse unable to move with any speed.
The Burma, carrying a regulation crew of 150 men, was a class of ship that had an almost uncanny acceleration capability.
Known as HST differential speeds, coupled with superior acceleration capability over older locomotives, this allowed substantial cuts in journey times over these lines.
With an acceleration capability and maneuverability we'd never seen before, this craft would keep American aircraft engineers busy for years just incorporating what they could see into immediate designs.
The energy storage component not only allows for high regenerative braking and acceleration capabilities but also extends the life of the battery.
To improve acceleration capability, nitrogen gas is heated up to about 900 C. As a result, deposition efficiency and tensile strength of deposits increase.
This ultra-modern spacejet had the acceleration capability of a State class cruiser.
The acceleration capabilities of Stars & Stripes turn sailing the boat into an athletic free-for-all.
The efficient mechanical transmissions with multiple gear ratios and high power for the 97 t tare weight give the IC3 good acceleration capabilities.
Marcel was sure that even ships with unimaginable acceleration capability could not be swift enough to elude the range of the tracking sweeps.