R. H. Macy, seeking to sharply increase sales and profits to accelerate payments on its leveraged-buyout debt, intensified its price-cutting efforts.
Sanofi's bid was topped last week when New York-based American Home offered Robins's shareholders a deal valued at $700 million and a proposed plan to accelerate payments into the Dalkon Shield trust fund.
"They said, 'We've chosen to accelerate payments on your contract so we no longer need your services."
Payments Could Be Accelerated Should the limitations on itemized deductions remain in the budget package, taxpayers could accelerate payments that would have been deductible next year and make them in the current tax year ending Dec. 31.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the trust said Manville had agreed to accelerate payments on a $50 million note.
Congress is considering legislation to force companies with big potential liabilities to accelerate payments to their pension funds.
In the fiscal year 1990-91 the Democrats will increase revenues by $99 million, mostly by extending the capital gains tax to out-of-state residents selling property in Connecticut to raise $10 million, accelerating payments on corporation taxes to raise $45 million and accelerating inheritance tax payments to raise $30 million.
President Obama announced a new policy that will accelerate payments to small business contractors so they can reinvest that money in the economy and drive job growth.
But the amended law also accelerates payments to plaintiffs in several ways.