The academy uses a house system in which each house is named after a famous author.
Paradoxically, the academy used to simply ship the Oscars.
The other academies, Air Force and Army, have used the wishbone for years.
The academy does not use freelancers, as many lexicographers do.
The academy uses participation in sport as an avenue for Indigenous people to undertake education and training within a trusted and culturally appropriate environment.
The academy used the estate as an exhibition annex until 1978, then sold it.
The academy uses a college system, with six areas of focus - maths, science, communications, humanities, arts and technology.
The exclusive military academy used Garfield Park for its athletics and some paramilitary maneuvers.
The academy uses 80 to 85 percent of the building, with the exception of some upper-floor lounges and old classrooms.
The academy uses the gym all day, Inspector Loughlin said.